



By entering the Project KE Cosplay Contest, I give permission to Project KE and its designees to photograph and/or video record my costume and performance and to use these photographs and videos as the convention sees fit. I also attest that I am eligible to compete as per the Project KE Cosplay Contest rules and that all information on the entry form is true and correct.

I also hereby acknowledge that I will be asked to sign a copy of this entry form at the Project KE Cosplay Contest check-in at the convention. If I am under the age of 18 years old, I understand that I must have a legal guardian present to sign the paper copy of this form at the convention.

By submitting this waiver, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the rules and guidelines established and posted by Project KE.


  1. All participants must be registered attendees of Project KE.

  2. All costumes must conform to convention, jurisdiction, and state guidelines for public decency. Shoes are required.

  3. Profanity and obscene and/or lewd gestures are simply not allowed.

  4. Costumes and presentation shall not be used as a political, religious, etc. statement.

  5. Surprises are not allowed. Participants shall not jump off the stage.

  6. Participants must complete the registration form and sign the waiver to participate.

  7. Project KE reserves the right to have the final word on all decisions.


  1. Costumes from both Japanese and western media are allowed. This includes anime, manga, video games, comic books or film adaptations, and etc. Costumes outside these categories require pre-approval.

  2. Costumes larger than a standard door frame require pre-approval.

  3. Only one entry allowed per person.
  4. Do not wear or use anything that will damage, destroy, or ruin the costume(s) of other attendants or the store space.

  5. Costumes must be self-contained. No connections to electricity, water, amps, projection, PA’s, etc. will be provided nor available.

  6. Contestants are encouraged to notify Project KE if their costume has restricted movement, vision, or is otherwise bulky so we can best accommodate you.

  7. Contestants are also encouraged to inform Project KE if they themselves have any physical or visual impairments that would require accommodations for walking in store.

  8. Entries in the main contest will be expected to take photo to present their work.


Those found to be in violation of these rules will be reprimanded.

  1. Live steel is not allowed. This includes real swords, knives, blades, guns, etc. Prop blades must be fake and dull.

  2. No real weapons whatsoever, including airsoft guns. Prop weapons must be obviously fake. Prop firearms must have an orange tip with no projectiles loaded. All ranged weapons may not be tightly strung. Ammunition may not be carried onstage.

  3. Live projectiles are not allowed. Objects may not be thrown into the audience.

  4. Replicas may not be pointed in the direction of another human being.

  5. Fire, flames, explosives, flash powder, smoke, lasers, etc. are not allowed. Electronic flashes are only permitted with pre-approval.

  6. No smoke or vapor of any kind will be allowed.


If you sign-up to participate in the Project KE Cosplay Contest and fail to show up or do not notify Project KE that you will not be participating at least 24 hours before the Cosplay Contest, you will be banned from participating for one years minimum.


Contact our Cosplay Contest Coordinator at [email protected] or send us a message on Facebook.